Friday, 26 July 2013

Define you & Stay true [Part One]

Many of us come from different paths. We may come from a different country, culture, religion and up-bringing. None of us are the same because if that were to be true, then what would the world be like? There would be no spontaneity in meeting various people with a different viewpoint as you. You will never be able to learn from others and share your own opinion because you know that they would be the same. The thing is with the world is that not everyone will be able to like you. As tough as that may sound, it is true. No one in the world can be liked by everyone- and that is why you have to stay true to yourself.

Have you ever had that dying wish to be somebody else that you are not? That enormous pit in your stomach when you are walking around because you have to try and become this kind of person in order to fit in among your peers? You keep trying to become someone else that you hide in this facade, this great mask,- the "artificial" you. Along the course of my life, I've realized that there will be a lot of people that hide behind those closed curtains, afraid to stand for what they believe in and do not really know who they are anymore because they have been hiding for too long.

Well let me tell you something, putting up that kind of facade is tiring. I mean why live in that tiring life when you can be free & be yourself. I used to be afraid of defining me. There were times when I questioned "Who am I?" "What will I do with my life?". I was completely lost because I didn't let myself free. I didn't define my true self. I was used to being with crowds of people that when I was alone, I felt completely empty. I didn't really know what to do. This year, I started to grow up and realize that I don't have to try to become something I'm not because God created me to be unique in his likeness and image. There will be incidents where people will judge & criticize what I do. There will be people who can and will contradict my views and opinions and it may cause me confusion & maybe pain. The world is not a perfect place. You can either be right or learn from your mistakes.

I have learned that as long as I DEFINE what makes me happy & comfortable, that is where I find myself. 

& that is where YOU will find yourself.

P.S. Keep updated in my blog to find more about my journey in defining who I am.

Saturday, 22 June 2013

No pain, no gain- A healthier Lifestyle [Update #7]

So it has been two weeks now since I properly started to get back into working out and I am feeling terrific. I have lost about one stone and feeling real light. However, I do know that I still have a long way to go in order to reach my own goal but it is definitely a start. FitnessPal, Zumba and Jillian Micheal's 30 Day Shred is a really great combination if you want to lose weight properly and effectively, this is a must try. Currently, I have also added walking/jogging for about an hour most days to increase my endurance and get a bit of fresh air. -- it is summer after all. In addition, a close friend of mine suggested me blogilates ( you can find her page on Youtube) She has many different ranges of exercises which is mostly aimed at women wanting to work off any unnecessary fat of thighs and arms. It is really effective but people who are trying this beware that it might burn and you will definitely need to push yourself.  But as I mentioned before: There is no pain, without gain-- so push yourself, because YOU are capable IF I can lose that stone, you can too.

Take a look at the videos below for some excerpts of blogilates videos

For your thighs:


For your arms:


Tuesday, 11 June 2013

No pain, no gain- a healthier lifestyle [Update #6]

Major major setback to my workout is definitely the trip to Kerry with my family. We rented a wonderful house beside the beach and it was lovely but so much food was encountered. Brought so much sweets, crisps, chocolate , ice cream, cake, pancit, spaghetti, rice-- you name it. Worse part of it was gaining two and a half pounds. This week, however I have regained back confidence. I did tell you I was determined about losing this weight and this is just a learning point for me. * Don't give in-- even if there are a lot of food because it is only you that is going to regret it afterwards ( and let me tell you, I regretted every single thing- apart from my beloved ice-cream of course. (tee hee!)
Since yesterday I have been out doing two hours of jogging/ half dying to Zumba. I still closely go back to Jillian Micheals though to strengthen my core but when I need something fun I do Zumba. 
Also, I found a pretty handy website to keep up the food that you eat such as calorie intake and regulate your exercise daily. It is basically your own personal online food & exercise diary. http://www.myfitnesspal.com/ --- this is the link & I highly suggest that you try it. 
Lastly, here are some inspiration pictures that got me going. 


Thursday, 9 May 2013

Inspiration #3 Kari Jobe

The more I seek You: Live Performance

Why is she my inspiration? Because she has motivated me to be closer with God. She has motivated me to sing out and share my voice and not just to hide away. She has built up my confidence within myself.


As an introverted child growing up I was extremely shy and lacked confidence in myself. I knew that I had talents and capabilities but I was shy in sharing them with others. My family, friends and relatives  told me that I should learn to perform in front of people and to share the musical abilities that I have but I was really, really shy. Growing up, I learnt to build up my self esteem and confidence with others and within myself. I have learnt to overcome my fears of singing in public, performing and talking in public. One of the influences that helped me overcome my introverted self was Kari Jobe.

I remember the first time listened to her perform "The more I seek You" written by Zack Neese, I was inspired to know God more. Her songs make a day a little bit better when at times they get rough and dark. She has one of the most beautiful voices that I have ever heard and she shares her voice with the world inspiring others. Watching her perform live and the interviews, I have inspired by her courageousness and great humility. She has an incredible voice but she does not only do it all for money and fame but to spread the message of God. It is truly fascinating and inspiring to see that someone could be this amazing.

Wednesday, 8 May 2013

No pain, no gain- A Healthier Lifestyle [Update #5]

Yes I nearly gave up on my workout and said I was "busy". Yes I had a bad week and turned myself over to food when I was feeling down & yes I decided to turn it around for the better and pushed myself.  There will definitely be a point in your workout when you will decide to give up but I know for a fact that you should not. It will be tough and at times it can seem pointless and you want to give up but don't. There is "No gain without pain". Just like life, there will always be struggles along the way, a dark cloud shining over you and you will feel as though everything is is crashing down.. However, do not let those things get inside your head, You are capable of anything in life, It is just mind over matter. Focus your mind to reach your goals, inspirations and dreams.. After all they say that "with every dark cloud there is always a silver lining" so don't let temptations like food push you around. Control your own mind and learn how to say NO.  You are capable of working out.

Recently,  have been keeping in tact with my workout and I am definitely seeing results. Yes, I can just barely see a difference in the weighing scale in terms of how much I weigh but Yes, I also see a LOT of difference in my endurance and stamina over the past two weeks of working out and eating a nutritious and balanced diet. I have progressed on to Level Two of Jillian Micheal's 30 Day Shred and although it is still very tough, I can keep up my strength for much longer than my usual time. Last week I had to stop halfway through the workout because I just could not handle it but this week I have definitely improved and was able to finish the whole workout. This working out and eating right is not easy it is not a fast process but it is definitely worth it and I am glad I did.

YES. I can do it. I am determined.

Tuesday, 23 April 2013

No pain, no gain- A Healthier Lifestyle [Update #4]

So coming up for my third week for my summer workout and I have to say that I am a bit disappointed with myself. Recently, I haven't been working out much. There are many distractions taking place and so many college work to catch up on that I have been lacking so much in my workout. Although I haven't been working out much, I did manage to eat a much more healthier diet. For the past week I have eaten less rice (one cup at max) and have gotten much more nutritious and healthy food in my diet. I also found the perfect place for me to get these kind of food at Holland & Barrett.  My favourite snack that I have bought so far from the week has got to be chickpeas. They are super healthy and you can get a wide range of different flavours. I have also tried out eating porridge everyday. That's all for the update.

Anyways, this week my aim is to workout everyday. I hope you wish me luck.


Sunday, 14 April 2013

No pain, no gain- A Healthier Lifestyle [Update #3]

Everyone has their drawbacks and failures and this week has got to be my downfall week. I started to exercise and eat a healthy diet during the start of the week and gradually started to fade off my healthy lifestyle. I converted into eating great amounts of food and didn't do any exercise at all. The weight that I lost have probably been gained. Since I was busy with other activities I lost track of my diet. By tomorrow, I am going to start back again and this time I have learnt my lesson. No matter how good food can be always remember that it will just convert into fat so you have to be mindful of the things that you put into your body. I know that I can do this I just need to motivate myself again and control what I eat. Starting tomorrow, I will start my exercise again and focusing on eating a health nutritious diet, not eating too many carbohydrates and glucose. This week was my downfall but I'm ready to get up and start again. I am determined for Week Three although I am counting this a reset button so technically it will be my second week still. I will do this, not for anyone else but for MYSELF.

Saturday, 6 April 2013

No pain, no gain- A Healthier Lifestyle [Update #2]

Hello everybody! [Update]
As you may know by reading this blog I started my summer workout. It was challenging at first to begin with since I love and crave food so much but I eventually am getting the hang of it. When I first started Jillian Micheal's 30 Day Shred DVD I couldn't even do five minutes of it. I was very unfit and was always tired. Doing college work plus all the exercise and eating right didn't fit in. However, if you are determined to do something I think the best motto to use is "No pain, no gain" . I am fully determined to do this workout. I know that it will be tough but reading articles about how people, just like me, lose a lot of weight made me feel better. Also, I have recently  subscribed to getleanin12. His videos really helped me a lot and I got to learn a few tips along the way with him. Below I have put a link to a few of his videos that really made me workout much more and I learnt a few little tricks in losing wight faster, without all chemicals and pills. Just pure determination and set goals. I have also set out a long term goal for my weight loss plan and a short term and currently have not broken my 6pm rule (no eating after six).

The results of my workout

Since I have just started this new lifestyle of mine. I cannot really see any difference by looking at the scale just yet. However, I see a LOT of positive changes with regards of my endurance. I am able to do a lot more workout now because my body is slowly adapting to the workout. Also, I am more resilient to unhealthy food and I am trying not to eat after six PM. Writing down what I eat every day has really boosted my workout as I know what I am eating and this helps me in controlling, cutting down or stopping any food that I know is bad for me. There has been quite a few times when I was tempted but I know I will not back down on this. 


Tuesday, 2 April 2013

Youtube Cover Project #3 : I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For by U2

Hello ladies and gentlemen,
I know I have said that I'll be doing a cover every week but I found it extra difficult with everything going on such college, interviews, and other activities. It really is true what they say "Time flies by". I cannot believe it's April now. Anyways, I have decided that I'm going to try and do this when I have time but by the end of the year I should have fifty covers. I feel I'm becoming more confident now.. However, it is so hard to get the camera working properly so bear with me on that. Hahaha.
The song that I have decided to do is one of my favourite U2 songs.

" I still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For"

 This song is just so powerful. First time I heard it was on the radio when I came to Ireland twelve years ago. The lyrics still speak to me now as "I still don't what what I'm looking for". This month I just had an interview for the UK and although it's not for definite that I'll be moving away just yet, I just had the thought that "How will I cope with this?".." Is this what I really want?" . I then stumbled across this song on my playlist and it stuck to my head. I suddenly remembered all the friends and the memories I've made here in Ireland. I've learnt to cope and learnt a lot of new things. I realized that I may not know what's in front of me but as long as I'm happy and keep my faith that I'll be fine. I'll be able to handle moving away again and become more independent. The song really motivated me to not be scared and face my fears. Yes, if I get into the UK and get a place in Uni there I know that I will be able to cope. It will be my first time moving away form my parents but for some reason I know it will be alright. I just hope now that I will get a place at the university there. : )

This song also goes out for people who have lost faith and their hope. I hope that you know there in every dark cloud there is always a silver lining. I know that it tough,believe me I've been through that stage in my life but no matter what just be happy and keep positive.

Happy Easter !

No pain, no gain- A healthier Lifestyle [Update #1]

So, yesterday I started Jillian Micheal's 30 Day Shred. I have to say I was disappointed with myself as I couldn't even finish Level One. The exercise was so vigorous and intense that I did not even manage to do ten minutes of the twenty but hey, I decided to keep staying positive. The next day, I regained endurance and questioned myself "Why was I doing all of this?". Then I got to thinking; if I am going to start dieting and changing my eating habits I need to know that I'm doing it for myself.  Losing weight in order to impress people around you isn't right. Working out and eating a balanced diet should make YOU feel good both internally and externally. I did however, manage to complete Level One today which regained my energy.

This morning, I measured my rice to one cup per day and to watch what I eat. So far I've eaten one cup of rice with scrambled egg and later Mango Yoghurt. I have also decided to not eat so much after 6pm to prevent myself from eating too much. After all, it is not just about exercise but also maintaining your food intake. After all "You Are What You Eat". ..

Monday, 1 April 2013

Easter 2 0 1 3 at Lighthouse

Easter is a time for reflection, a time for renewal. This time I have  renewed my FAITH in God. There were many times when I have stumbled and lost hope, not just in God alone but I lost hope in myself. Going to Lighthouse Community Church on Sunday has been a major part of who I am now because of the things that I have learnt and learning to trust myself more and achieve my goals.

One major thing that I have learnt going yesterday was that religion is not based on popularity, it is not measured by your outward self but to look at your inner self. I mean is there really a point in going to church, joining different charities, helping people if your true self is vile and cruel. If you do things that are wrong in your spare time. Is it really worth hiding it just to make yourself good on the outside? NO. It isn't. Faith is something stronger than that. I mean of course do good deeds but don't pretend that you want to do them. Do it because you want to. Do it because that's your heart says that's right. Do it for you. Join a religion because you want to form a relationship with him, with GOD.

Also another thing my faith. My faith lacked a lot of power before. There were times when I questioned who God was. There was so many things that hindered me. Living in a world where there is a lot disbelief and many people trying to ask me "If God is really here, why does he not end poverty?" "Where is God when I was down." "If God is real then he should show himself" it is really hard to answer them because I also didn't have a clue. Lately I have been reading the Bible and came across this ...

Jeremiah 29:11
For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.

God has a plan for each and every one of us. There are times when we will be confused and don't know where we're going but assure yourselves that God has his own plan made for YOU. There are many people who don't believe that there is a God but I can definitely say that there is a GOD. I have faced struggles in my life, sometimes I lost hope and wanted to just disappear but somehow there was always a voice or something telling me to keep going. God will show himself to you at the right time, whether it is tomorrow or years from now. He will show you in the right time. I have experienced his right timing with his blessings... I will not share it for now but soon. : )
He also might not be called Jesus, he many be called other names but to me he is GOD. There is definitely someone that is constantly protecting me and although I still have a lot to learn. I just want to say happy Easter.


No pain, no gain- A Healthier Lifestyle [Begin]

I know I have tried many times to lose weight and try to be healthy but this time I am taking it very serious. I have taken many numerous diets and attended classes, tried to go to the gym and all this. However, I am going to try something new by doing Jillian Micheal's 30 Day Shred. Everyday I'm going to be working out and eating a balanced diet. This time I'll definitely make a much more dedicated commitment with regards to exercise and eating healthy. This summer I wanna reach this goal. Starting from today I'm going to be posting  what I will be doing and eating. I have been inspired by watching the Biggest Loser.Many participants started weighing double than what I am now, yet they managed to push themselves and lose their weight. The determination that they have showed me has motivated me to start living a much healthier lifestyle. I know that it will not be easy because I have tried this various times before but I AM DETERMINED. Lets go.

Day One.