Wednesday, 8 May 2013

No pain, no gain- A Healthier Lifestyle [Update #5]

Yes I nearly gave up on my workout and said I was "busy". Yes I had a bad week and turned myself over to food when I was feeling down & yes I decided to turn it around for the better and pushed myself.  There will definitely be a point in your workout when you will decide to give up but I know for a fact that you should not. It will be tough and at times it can seem pointless and you want to give up but don't. There is "No gain without pain". Just like life, there will always be struggles along the way, a dark cloud shining over you and you will feel as though everything is is crashing down.. However, do not let those things get inside your head, You are capable of anything in life, It is just mind over matter. Focus your mind to reach your goals, inspirations and dreams.. After all they say that "with every dark cloud there is always a silver lining" so don't let temptations like food push you around. Control your own mind and learn how to say NO.  You are capable of working out.

Recently,  have been keeping in tact with my workout and I am definitely seeing results. Yes, I can just barely see a difference in the weighing scale in terms of how much I weigh but Yes, I also see a LOT of difference in my endurance and stamina over the past two weeks of working out and eating a nutritious and balanced diet. I have progressed on to Level Two of Jillian Micheal's 30 Day Shred and although it is still very tough, I can keep up my strength for much longer than my usual time. Last week I had to stop halfway through the workout because I just could not handle it but this week I have definitely improved and was able to finish the whole workout. This working out and eating right is not easy it is not a fast process but it is definitely worth it and I am glad I did.

YES. I can do it. I am determined.

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