Sunday 29 April 2012

Trip to Galway 2012

Yesterday my Kuya accompanied me to Galway to visit my probable future college NUIG. It started out as a dull day with the usual Irish windy weather and patches of rain and I only had two hours of sleep ( because I had the urge to look up more courses online and do some form of study--- NERD ) . . .I was excited to go but at the same time asking myself questions as my usual over-thinking self  does " What if I moved to Galway? Will I be able to live on my own? Or I could stay with someone there, right? Would I have to go by train every weekend? "
However, as the day progressed things started to get better. Even though the train ride was such a loooong and boring I took my time to sleep and casually go on Twitter.

By the time we had arrived, I was energized and we walked around the city making our way towards the college. We were late for the Occupational Therapy talk ( which I really hope to do in the future) but I had a quick talk with one of the students in the O.T. She was really helpful giving me the different aspects of what the course is about and work placements. She even recommended me some films to watch that might help me understand a little bit more of what O.T.'s do. My brother and I then went to the shuttle bus to look at the possible on-campus accommodations in the college- Corrib Village. It was spacious and looked homey but pretty expensive.

 A random man fishing in the Corrib River. HAHA.

 After, We went around the town , shopping since we still had 3 hours before our train. My brother treated me to a lovely lunch at the Dail Bar. :) --- YUMMY!  It felt a little bit like Dublin city. A man then came up to us giving us a book about the Art of Eternal Love ( of which I actually found interesting to read).

BHAKTI : The art of eternal love.

Monday 23 April 2012

Simple Wisdom


“Who has never killed an hour? Not casually or without thought, but carefully: a premeditated murder of minutes. The violence comes from a combination of giving up, not caring, and a resignation that getting past it is all you can hope to accomplish. So you kill the hour. You do not work, you do not read, you do not daydream. If you sleep it is not because you need to sleep. And when at last it is over, there is no evidence: no weapon, no blood, and no body. The only clue might be the shadows beneath your eyes or a terribly thin line near the corner of your mouth indicating something has been suffered, that in the privacy of your life you have lost something and the loss is too empty to share.” 
― Mark Z. DanielewskiHouse of Leaves

YFL Household 2012

Yesterday I had a household with my YFL people :) It was so much fun and I learnt quite a lot. It also made me  think about things that I've never even thought about which made me realise all the things in my life that I should be thankful for and opened my eyes to things in reality which I always seemed to avoid. My faith.  and my MY FEARS and DOUBTS. " Can I do this?" "Will I be able to do this??" 

Also it made me really glad having them around for the day since it had been a stressful last week for me with orals and practicals. In addition to that I haven't seen them since two weeks now so we had a great time catching and making more memories.

Also, Happy Birthday Jeremy Cueto. Thanks for the food & drink.

The Three Blind Mice :)

 with The Little Drummer Boy - Jovern


Goodbye :)

Friday 20 April 2012

Inspired Idea - Artwork

I definitely have to try this out soon. I don't  care if it looks easy, but the colors are very well blended and it must have taken a while to dry.


Experience Japan, Farmleigh House 2012

I went to Experience Japan in Farmleigh House, Dublin last week. This is the 3rd time they hosted this event and I am proud to be part of the experience for the second time.
The day was pretty cold, the usual Irish weather but the atmosphere was enjoyable. I saw a lot of different things such as Taiko Drum Performance, Cosplay Workshop, Calligraphy Tutorial and Dance tutorial. it was definitely an experience. EXPERIENCE JAPAN.