Friday 22 February 2013

Inspiration #2 :BOOM Lighthouse Community Church

I recently have joined this youth group called BOOM in our local community church, Lighthouse. Since last November I have met these amazing group of people, with whom I have learnt a lot from and have created a lot of memories with. I labelled this as my inspiration because they really are one of inspirations. Every Friday when I go I feel inspired to do unimaginable things. I feel motivated to keep going through troubled times and I feel inspired to learn more about God. One of the biggest things in my life is my faith. I don't know what I would do if I had none. This post is dedicated to these people.

 Tonight, we had a social event night and I got to know these people much more. We played a lot of games, danced and just had a lot of fun. Even though my team didn't win. I am an angry chicken forever " Fly like a butterfly, Angry chickens we are on the rise "
I am truly blessed to have them in my life. 

Wednesday 6 February 2013

Youtube 50 Week Cover Project #2

50 Week Cover Project: Week #2. Grabrielle Alpin - Home

Hello guys. I know I haven't posted in the last week for the cover project but I'm trying so hard to keep this up. I have been busy with college and other activities that I have lost track but this time I'll be keeping it up. For this week I'll be doing three new covers: I have made them but I still have to upload them. The first one that I have uploaded is by Gabrielle Alpin: Home. When I first heard of this song I instantly fell in love with it. If you don't know who Gabrielle Alpin is you should look up her songs. I was supposed to collaborate with someone but I didn't have time. Also, my camera was a bit fuzzy but hey, it's for fun. So guys, I know it's not perfect but I had fun.

Hope you enjoy watching it. Like, Comment and Subscribe.