Sunday, 14 April 2013

No pain, no gain- A Healthier Lifestyle [Update #3]

Everyone has their drawbacks and failures and this week has got to be my downfall week. I started to exercise and eat a healthy diet during the start of the week and gradually started to fade off my healthy lifestyle. I converted into eating great amounts of food and didn't do any exercise at all. The weight that I lost have probably been gained. Since I was busy with other activities I lost track of my diet. By tomorrow, I am going to start back again and this time I have learnt my lesson. No matter how good food can be always remember that it will just convert into fat so you have to be mindful of the things that you put into your body. I know that I can do this I just need to motivate myself again and control what I eat. Starting tomorrow, I will start my exercise again and focusing on eating a health nutritious diet, not eating too many carbohydrates and glucose. This week was my downfall but I'm ready to get up and start again. I am determined for Week Three although I am counting this a reset button so technically it will be my second week still. I will do this, not for anyone else but for MYSELF.

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