Sunday 17 January 2016

Week Two: The beauty of marriage

I cannot believe that it has been two weeks since I last posted the start of my New Year's resolution. Haha, such a fail last week. I had been so wrapped up with work and doing my assignments that all I can think about was that but anyhow I am here once again to continue my New Year's resolution.

Since I attended my friend's wedding celebration last night, and I know that there are plenty of people that have gotten engaged or getting married this year (I literally cannot wait for more wedding celebrations) 
... it just amazes me how beautiful a marriage is.

I was scrolling on Stumbleupon.com when I came across this message which really gave me an insight on how beautiful and yet what marriage can teach you. 

The Marriage Box

There are many people that believe that getting married is a beautiful box full of all the things they have longed for: companionship, intimacy, friendship etc. However, the truth is that marriage starts on an empty box. You must put something in before you can take anything out. There is no love in marriage. Love is in people. And PEOPLE put love into marriage, There is no romance in marriage. You have to infuse it into marriage. A couple must learn the art and form the habit of giving, loving, serving, praising and keeping the box full. If you take out more than you put in, the box will be empty.

But this message is not just for married couples, I think that we can all relate to this. As a human being, we are not just here on Earth to be on our own but to be able to form relationships with other and in order to do that we must RELATE with one another.
Relationships are built on the foundation of 'keeping the box full'. The commitment of taking the time to see each other and keeping in touch, giving up a part of your time to listen and understand that person and loving that person despite any arguments. Relationships are not easy but give it time and commitment to one another and it is the most magical thing in the world. 

I am not saying that you should all be friends and get along al the time. Each of us have our own differences in terms of personality or beliefs but the point is that you will never truly know a person unless you relate with them. 
A relationship is built on giving and not jsut receiving.

Have a blessed Sunday everyone. 

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