Saturday, 22 June 2013

No pain, no gain- A healthier Lifestyle [Update #7]

So it has been two weeks now since I properly started to get back into working out and I am feeling terrific. I have lost about one stone and feeling real light. However, I do know that I still have a long way to go in order to reach my own goal but it is definitely a start. FitnessPal, Zumba and Jillian Micheal's 30 Day Shred is a really great combination if you want to lose weight properly and effectively, this is a must try. Currently, I have also added walking/jogging for about an hour most days to increase my endurance and get a bit of fresh air. -- it is summer after all. In addition, a close friend of mine suggested me blogilates ( you can find her page on Youtube) She has many different ranges of exercises which is mostly aimed at women wanting to work off any unnecessary fat of thighs and arms. It is really effective but people who are trying this beware that it might burn and you will definitely need to push yourself.  But as I mentioned before: There is no pain, without gain-- so push yourself, because YOU are capable IF I can lose that stone, you can too.

Take a look at the videos below for some excerpts of blogilates videos

For your thighs:


For your arms:


Tuesday, 11 June 2013

No pain, no gain- a healthier lifestyle [Update #6]

Major major setback to my workout is definitely the trip to Kerry with my family. We rented a wonderful house beside the beach and it was lovely but so much food was encountered. Brought so much sweets, crisps, chocolate , ice cream, cake, pancit, spaghetti, rice-- you name it. Worse part of it was gaining two and a half pounds. This week, however I have regained back confidence. I did tell you I was determined about losing this weight and this is just a learning point for me. * Don't give in-- even if there are a lot of food because it is only you that is going to regret it afterwards ( and let me tell you, I regretted every single thing- apart from my beloved ice-cream of course. (tee hee!)
Since yesterday I have been out doing two hours of jogging/ half dying to Zumba. I still closely go back to Jillian Micheals though to strengthen my core but when I need something fun I do Zumba. 
Also, I found a pretty handy website to keep up the food that you eat such as calorie intake and regulate your exercise daily. It is basically your own personal online food & exercise diary. http://www.myfitnesspal.com/ --- this is the link & I highly suggest that you try it. 
Lastly, here are some inspiration pictures that got me going.