Major major setback to my workout is definitely the trip to Kerry with my family. We rented a wonderful house beside the beach and it was lovely but so much food was encountered. Brought so much sweets, crisps, chocolate , ice cream, cake, pancit, spaghetti, rice-- you name it. Worse part of it was gaining two and a half pounds. This week, however I have regained back confidence. I did tell you I was determined about losing this weight and this is just a learning point for me. * Don't give in-- even if there are a lot of food because it is only you that is going to regret it afterwards ( and let me tell you, I regretted every single thing- apart from my beloved ice-cream of course. (tee hee!)
Since yesterday I have been out doing two hours of jogging/ half dying to Zumba. I still closely go back to Jillian Micheals though to strengthen my core but when I need something fun I do Zumba.
Also, I found a pretty handy website to keep up the food that you eat such as calorie intake and regulate your exercise daily. It is basically your own personal online food & exercise diary. --- this is the link & I highly suggest that you try it.
Lastly, here are some inspiration pictures that got me going.